Aaron, Katie, and Jacob are fosters in the great town of Denton, Texas. Our love of Saints started when one thanksgiving weekend one jumped into our backyard, starving, dehydrated and in need of some big love. Long story short he was turned out by a previous adopter.
Moose gained weight, recovered and became a registered therapy dog. Soon after he began "working" we decided to become fosters for other Saints who needed homes. Our resident zoo consists of 3 cats, a bird, and 5 dogs (of our own).
We only foster one Saint at a time. To date we have fostered 4 dogs for Saint Bernard Rescue. One we lost unexpectedly to health issues, one we adopted ourselves and 2 have been found their own forever families. Our family believes we are preparing the dogs to be successful members of your family.
We give all of the dogs basic obedience training, socialization and vet care. All of our dogs are kennel trained and are indoor dogs. We keep a Facebook page for our fosters at "I Need A Forever Home". Feel free to join our page and watch our adventures in fostering.